Published April 13th, 2021 by Dev Team
In The News/Press
April 27, 2024
February 19, 2024
April 13, 2024
It blows my mind that people don’t seem to realize you can’t own the MSM, government, and Hollywood and call the other side fascist.
What’s the difference between a conspiracy theory and the truth? About 6 months.
Remind me again which side is bloodthirsty and seeking to hate its neighbors?
How is it controversial to want to send money to hurricane survivors over foreign countries?
Ahhh the party of peace.
RT @JackPosobiec: 41 seconds
California has no electricity Mississippi has no clean water The south has no borders But we have tons of money to send overseas.
Stop giving money to Ukraine.
Ain't that America..............sad.
Let's do this!!
Has the left really forgotten they spent all of 2016-2020 saying F Trump and claiming the election was stolen? Be…
He wasn’t expecting that…
DeSantis is an advocate for diversity.
“The 2nd amendment has its limits.” Ummm, no. Shall not be infringed is pretty clear.
Just so we’re clear: Biden doesn’t want to ban guns, he just wants the people in power to be the only ones able to have them.
If Democrats were good communicators, they would never get elected.
Martha’s Vineyard got rid of the illegal immigrants so quick they couldn’t even read the yard signs that say “Everyone is welcome.”
How dare the people in Martha’s Vineyard that scream for tolerance and acceptance not welcome the immigrants with o…
The men and women who risk their lives to protect this country are being told to use food stamps to feed their fami…
You can hold up the bloodied head of trump for a skit, spend an entire summer burning down businesses, and forceful…
So MAGA conservatives are fascists....but Antifa is an idea......ah....yeah.
The hypocrisy is palpable.
Never forget.
We’re very inclusive! We love everybody, except you, you’re racist and evil.
The left went from “ACAB” to “The FBI is good how dare you question them” in less than a year.
Queen Elizabeth. RIP.
We went 35 years back into Brett Kavanaugh’s past to try and find dirt on him but won’t even talk about Hunter’s laptop? Makes sense.